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Thrillseeker is an achievement/trophy available in Escape Dead Island. To unlock this, you need to go from minimum health to maximum health in one go. This is one of the more dangerous achievements/trophies to go for as if you judge it wrong, you will either die or have almost killed yourself for no reason if you don't get to the minimum health threshold.


  • There is a number of ways to get this.
  • The way I unlocked it (by accident) was near the beginning of the game. When you first enter a tunnel, there's a broken piece of wall which leads to a small room filled with poison, some ammo and a medkit. Crouch to get into the room, head straight for the loot before head back to the hole again. If you enter on full health and don't stop moving, you'll come out on minimum health thanks to the health boost given by the medkit. Then all you have to do is wait for the health to regenerate and it will unlock.
  • The more common method will be while fighting zombies. As you're fighting them, you'll get hit. Whether it's accidentally or on purpose, it doesn't matter. Just allow yourself to be hit multiple times to minimum health, then kill the zombie. Make sure you leave it on very low health so you can kill it in one hit and that it's by itself. When you're on low enough health, kill the zombie and let your health regen. It will unlock when you're full health again.


  • Getting to low health and reloading a save to get back to full health will not unlock this.


  • The name will be a reference to people who do daring things like skydiving or bungee jumping, to get an adrenaline rush. This achievement is referencing that rush of adrenaline, in this case it's coming from a near death experience.