Firefighter Walkers are former Los Angeles Firefighters and behave in the same manner as normal Walkers. They are slow and will attempt to bite and grab players if they are alerted. What sets them apart is their firefighting gear. As with Firefighter Runners, this suit makes them immune to fire, shock, and caustic damage. This can make them difficult to damage if a player only has weapons modded with these status effects. It also makes most environmental hazards useless against them. Despite this, Firefighter Walkers are still susceptible to bleed damage as well as maiming. They can also be easily killed with projectiles and explosives and are vulnerable to ability skills like the Drop Kick. Like other regular zombie variants, Firefighter Walkers can be distracted with the Bait Bomb and can be lured to specific areas. It should be noted that Firefighter Zombies regularly drop Synthetic Fibers when killed.