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"It's bloody beautiful, isn't it?"
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Dr. Kessler's Casebook is a pause menu option added in Dead Island: Riptide and gives details on each zombie type you meet when meeting them for the first time. It serves as a quick reference guide for the player to look over and be reminded of the weaknesses of each zombie type. Over the course of the game, it will update as you meet new zombies and special infected, including the named zombies in dead zones. It is assumed that it was created by Dr. Kessler as part of his research into the continued infection.

Zombies listed[]


  • Speed: Very Fast
  • Special Skill: performs series of deadly attacks, quickly recovers his balance.
  • Weak points: easy to knock back or knock down.
  • Threat level: 2/5 skulls
  • "Very fast enemy that unleashes a series of dangerous attacks. Its speed lets it catch fleeing players, and it can also launch surprise attacks. Often travels in small groups."

Burning Infected[]

  • Speed: Very Fast
  • Special Skill: performs series of deadly attacks, quickly recovers his balance, causes additional fire damage.
  • Weak points: easy to knock back or knock down.
  • Threat level: 2/5 skulls
  • "Burning version of the regular Infected, direct contact leads to fire damage. As a result, it must be kept at a distance, e.g. through kicking or the use of two-handed weapons."


  • Speed: Slow
  • Special Skill: can grab and bite his victim.
  • Weak points: easy to knock back or knock down, moves slowly and therefore can be avoided.
  • Threat level: 1/5 skulls.
  • "The most common type of enemy, it is slow but can unleash devastating attacks. A minor threat on its own, Walkers almost always travel in groups. Do not let them surround you."

Toxic Walker[]

  • Speed: Slow
  • Special Skill: can grab and bite his victim, causes additional toxic damage.
  • Weak points: easy to knock back or knock down, moves slowly and therefore can be avoided.
  • Threat level: 1/5 skulls.
  • "Toxic version of the Walker, direct contact leads to poisoning. As a result, it must be kept at a distance, e.g. through kicking or the use of two-handed weapons."

Burning Walker[]

  • Speed: Slow
  • Special Skill: can grab and bite his victim, causes additional fire damage.
  • Weak points: easy to knock back or knock down, moves slowly and therefore can be avoided.
  • Threat level: 1/5 skulls.
  • "Flaming version of the Walker, direct contact leads to fire damage. As a result, it must be kept at a distance, e.g. through kicking or the use of two-handed weapons."


  • Speed: Very Fast
  • Special Skill: performs series of deadly attacks, quickly recovers his balance.
  • Weak points: easy to knock back or knock down.
  • Threat level: 2/5 skulls
  • "Very fast enemy that silently lurks in the water and launches surprise attacks. Usually seen in a group, it also presents a threat to people travelling boat since it hears and reacts to the sound of the boat's engine."


  • Speed: Very Slow
  • Special Skill: can knock a victim to the ground, very tough, cannot be knocked down.
  • Weak points: moves slowly, can be attacked from behind, susceptible to attacks while taunting.
  • Threat level: 3/5 skulls.
  • "Very slow and extremely strong, cannon be knocked down. Its powerful attack can knock down players. Extremely dangerous in confined spaces, it rarely appears alone."


  • Speed: Very Slow
  • Special Skill: can knock victim to the ground, very tough, cannot be knocked down, can perform a very powerful charge attack.
  • Weak points: moves slowly, can be attacked from behind for bonus damage, susceptible to attacks while taunting and after performing a charge.
  • Threat Level: 5/5/ skulls.
  • "Large enemy that is slow-moving, but can perform a very quick and dangerous charge. Resistant to attacks against its head, it's difficult to kill. Avoid its charge and then attack its exposed back.


  • Speed: Slow
  • Special skill: can explode, inflicting a great deal of damage to everything in range.
  • Weak points: very slow, can be killed from a distance using firearms or throw attacks.
  • Threat level: 2/5 skulls.
  • "Very slow enemy, explodes when the player comes within range. Keep your distance from this enemy, using firearms or thrown weapons. Its explosions can be used to kill other enemies.


  • Speed: Very Slow
  • Special Skill: can vomit a toxic bile at a distance, very tough.
  • Weak points: moves and rotates very slowly, attacks can be avoided.
  • Threat level: 3/5 skulls.
  • "Very slow enemy, uses a ranged attack that consists of toxic vomit. The player can use the enemy's slow speed to attack its back and avoid its attacks.


  • Speed: Very Fast
  • Special Skill: performs a series of deadly attacks, its attack cannon be interrupted with one-handed weapon attacks.
  • Weak points: can be knocked back with a kick or two-handed weapon.
  • Threat level: 3/5 skulls.
  • "Very fast enemy, cannot be knocked down to the ground. It can dodge attacks and catch up with a fleeing player. The best fighting tactic for this enemy is to use the environment and perform ranged attacks."


  • Speed: Fast
  • Special Skill: its scream can incapacitate everyone in range.
  • Weak points: has fragile body and can be easily killed when cornered.
  • Threat level: 4/5 skulls.
  • "Fast and very dangerous enemy. Always appears with a group of other enemies. If it gets close enough, its scream can stun the player, making attacks impossible."


  • Speed: Very Slow
  • Special Skill: can knock victim to the ground, very tough, cannot be knocked down.
  • Weak points: move slowly, can be attacked from behind, susceptible to attacks while taunting its attacks are slow.
  • Threat level: 4/5 skulls.
  • "Slow enemy, perform area attacks. Its attacks can knocked the player down. Highly resistant to attacks and cannot be knocked down."


  • Speed: Very Slow
  • Special Skill: throws toxic parts of his body at his opponent, has a long-ranged attack
  • Weak Points: moves and rotates very slowly-Grenadier attacks can be avoided
  • Threat level: 4/5 skulls.
  • " Slow enemy, attacks at a great distance by throwing toxic pieces of its own body. When fighting this enemy. use it slow speed to your advantage and attack its back. Its weak spot is the bottle on its back, which can be detonated."

Mutated Scientist

  • Speed: Slow
  • Special skill: can grab and bite his victim.
  • Weak points: easy to knock back or knock down, moves slowly and therefore can be avoided.
  • Threat: 1/5 skulls.
  • "This enemy is similar to the Grenadier but does not use ranged a attack. A weak enemy, it is dangerous only in groups."

Oliver "Deathbone" Wenge

  • Speed: Very fast
  • Special skill: has very powerful attacks, inflicts a lot of damage, regenerate his health on every successful attack, cannot be knocked back and knocked down, can perform series of attacks.
  • Weak points: none.
  • Threat: 5/5 skulls
  • Wenge didn't deserve his late. He was loyal to his company, and he and when the epidemic broke out, he didn't panic like the others. Instead he led his group through a hell of screaming monsters and was severely wounded. And how was he repaid? They abandoned him, knowing his bleeding and screams would attract the infected, giving the rest of them an opportunity to escape. But Wenge did let the monsters eat him. Yes, he was bitten and knew what he would become... but before that happened he would find his brave friends from the company and get his revenge....

Jimmy "Deathtrap" O'Neill

  • Speed: Very fast
  • Special skill: has very powerful attacks, inflicts a lot of damage, regenerate his health on every successful attack, cannot be knocked back and knocked down, can perform series of attacks.
  • Weak points: none.
  • Threat: 5/5 skulls
  • Jimmy had it all figured out, surveillance systems, locks, the cops, and even an escape route. It was perfect, and Jimmy knew it. Too bad he didn't plan for an attack by the living dead.

Eduardo "Quickdeath" Petoia

  • Speed: Very fast
  • Special skill: has very powerful attacks, inflicts a lot of damage, regenerate his health on every successful attack, cannot be knocked back and knocked down, can perform series of attacks.
  • Weak points: none.
  • Threat: 5/5 skulls
  • Eduardo's sole misfortune was that he lived in the district that the government was turning into a Quarantine Zone. And when he saw what was happening to his friends and neighbors, how they were turning into unimaginable beasts, he decided it was time to get out, and get out he did.

Joe "Ogre" Somare

  • Speed: Very fast
  • Special skill: has very powerful attacks, inflicts a lot of damage, regenerate his health on every successful attack, cannot be knocked back and knocked down, can perform series of attacks.
  • Weak points: none.
  • Threat: 5/5 skulls
  • Joe had seen all of the movies at Jacquelline's cinema, and he knew that this was going to happen. It was only a matter of time. And when the dead started to rise, Joe understood what was happening, the truth of what he was seeing. He got bit on purpose, after all it was the only way to enter the sacred circle of the possessed. It was the only way he'd be able to save the world. He had to become the enemy in order to learn the enemy's secrets.

Peter "The Undying" Spicer

  • Speed: Very slow
  • Special skill: has very powerful attacks, inflicts a lot of damage, regenerate his health on every successful attack, cannot be knocked back and knocked down.
  • Weak points: none.
  • Threat: 5/5 skulls
  • When word came down that one of the officers had abandoned his men in order to save his own family, it didn't take long to follow suit. He also had loved ones on the island and made his way home- but he was too late, and the creatures waiting for him no longer called him "daddy".

James "Killer" Nisira

  • Speed: Very slow
  • Special skill: has very powerful attacks, inflicts a lot of damage, regenerate his health on every successful attack, cannot be knocked back and knocked down.
  • Weak points: none.
  • Threat: 5/5 skulls
  • James "Killer" Nisira had made a lot of enemies, but they never slowed him down. In fact, they gave him strength. After all, politics is a contact sport and Nisira was very good at politics. That is, until a City Council meeting when he was bitten. As chaos enveloped the room, he knew that this, at last, was politics in its most pure. And he rejoiced.

Geoffrey "Walking Carcass" Nape

  • Speed: Very slow
  • Special skill: has very powerful attacks, inflicts a lot of damage, regenerate his health on every successful attack, cannot be knocked back and knocked down.
  • Weak points: none.
  • Threat: 5/5 skulls
  • Nape knew all about the Quarantine Zone directive, that all bites by "the sick people" were to be reported. But he hadn't been bitten that hard, in fact it barely even broke the skin. And he didn't feel sick, so why should he report it? It was all a bunch of hysteria.

Metzger "Skullcrusher" Sloat

  • Speed: Very slow
  • Special skill: has very powerful attacks, inflicts a lot of damage, regenerate his health on every successful attack, cannot be knocked back and knocked down.
  • Weak points: none.
  • Threat: 5/5 skulls
  • During his trial, Metzger gleefully provided detailed descriptions of how he killed sixteen teenage couples. But even when he told the police where to look for bodies, there often wasn't anything to be found because Metzger had developed a deep love for the taste of human flesh. So when the dead started to eat the living, he viewed it as a revelation, an affirmation of what he believed. And he was all too eager to join in.

Joel "Blackheart" Chubalba

  • Speed: Very fast
  • Special skill: has very powerful attacks, inflicts a lot of damage, regenerate his health on every successful attack, cannot be knocked back and knocked down, can perform series of attacks.
  • Weak points: none.
  • Threat: 5/5 skulls
  • The lead vocalist for "Day of Mutants", the best (and only) power metal band from Palanai, Joel's road to superstardom wasn't an easy one. He had to contend with band-mates from Scandinavia (who didn't care much for the tropics), and unrelenting press, and the constant threat of losing his voice, which terrified him. In the end, though, he need not be worried, for now his scream carriers far and wide, sending shrivers down the spines of those unfortunate enough to hear it.

Ogio "Blindspot" Moke

  • Speed: Very fast
  • Special skill: has very powerful attacks, inflicts a lot of damage, regenerate his health on every successful attack, cannot be knocked back and knocked down, can perform series of attacks.
  • Weak points: none.
  • Threat: 5/5 skulls
  • As soon as Moke saw it, he knew that he had hit the jackpot. He didn't know anything about chemistry, or science in general, but he knew people would pay a small fortune for the canisters from the tunnels. So the canisters leaked a bit and some of the chemicals got onto his skin, but so what. What were some minor burns when compared to the riches that were about to be his...

Frankie "The Scourge" O'Hara

  • Speed: Very Slow
  • Special Skill: throws toxic parts of his body at his opponent, has a long-ranged attack, very tough
  • Weak Points: moves and rotates very slowly-Grenadier attacks can be avoided
  • Threat level: 3/5 skulls.
  • "Frankie believed in the Company, what it was hopping to accomplish, And he trusted them to give him the best equipment, including the bio-hazard suit that promise 100% protection from mutagen."

George "Body Eater" Serero

  • Speed: Very slow
  • Special skill: has very powerful attacks, inflicts a lot of damage, regenerate his health on every successful attack, cannot be knocked back and knocked down.
  • Weak points: none.
  • Threat: 5/5 skulls
  • Although the Palanai Revolutionary Army is an army in name only, Serero never doubted its cause-fighting the government of the island, which was propped up by foreign corporations, and returning power to the people. When he first heard about the company's experiments, Serero notified the media - and they ignored him, said he had no proof. So he infiltrated one of the laboratories and started to dig around, determined to find proof that the company was doing more than working on vaccines. And find proof he did… terrible, horrific proof.

Doctor "Scar" JJ Evans

  • Speed: Very slow
  • Special skill: has very powerful attacks, inflicts a lot of damage, regenerate his health on every successful attack, cannot be knocked back and knocked down.
  • Weak points: none.
  • Threat: 5/5 skulls
  • It was a simple scam -- Evans would pay a doctor to "push along" a dying patient, who was then transferred to Evans' funeral home. The patients were always terminally ill, so what did it matter if they died a little sooner than nature intended? The family was able to move on with their lives and Evans made a little money. No one was least until the dead started to attack and eat the living.