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The boss zombie, Olivier "Deathbone" Wenge

Boss Zombies are special zombies who appear in Dead Island: Riptide. Each boss zombie has different abilities, ranging from super-tough Thugs (having 5x more HP than a normal Thug) to "Infected Thugs" (Frenzied Infected), which are essentially larger, tougher versions of regular Infected. Some of these have got elemental effects, such as being on fire or surrounded by a toxic cloud. They never appear alone and will often have many minion zombies, including special infected. The majority are found in specific Dead Zones throughout the game. and the portals to each are clearly marked on your map. There are a total of 13 to be found. Defeating all special boss zombies in Dead Zones are required to obtain the Hunter-Seeker achievement.

Bringing a good set of weapons, bombs, and foreknowledge (there are a half dozen map layouts) is a necessity, as dead zones are the toughest areas of the island. There are usually 20+ zombies in each dead zone, including several special infected and normal infected which can easily swarm and overwhelm you. Only the Flooded jungle and Henderson have dead zones.

Story Bosses[]

Story Bosses are another type of Zombie Bosses in Riptide but are story based. Like the freeroam versions they go from either: Frenzied Thugs or Any Zombie.

Meat Thrower[]


Wayne was a survior apart of Paradise Survival Camp group but got infected by being bitten by a Walker in the cutscene where the group is traveling in a Boat to the Santa Maria Mission, After exiting the Japanese Tunnels and arriving into where the Pinai Ferry Station is located, Wayne starts turning into a Infected which soon mutates into a Wrestler due to the chemicals in the tunnel. Wayne's unique Wrestler has twice the health of a normal one and is a lot more stronger, It is also the introduction to the Wrestler Zombie.


Boss zombie locations[]

Jimmy "Deathtrap" O'neill
Inside a cave northwest of Mataka Village known as Tuluga Cave.
James "Killer" Nisira
Inside the bungalow outside the gas station east of Paradise Survival Camp where Brian is rescued.
Olivier "Deathbone" Wenge
Inside Olivier Wenge's Hideout in the middle-northern part of the island.
Peter "The Undying" W. Spicer
Found inside Peter Spicer's Shack in the Breri Outpost in the northern part of the flooded jungle.
Eduardo "Quickdeath" Petoia
Inside the Ocean View Bungalows in the southernmost part of Halai.
Joe "Ogre" Somare
Automatically encountered when saving Marcus during the mission Saving Holy Man.
Frankie "The Scourge" O'Hara
Found in the Frankie O'Hara's Apartment just north of the Old Town Cinema in Henderson.
Metzger "Skullcrusher" Sloat
Found in Metzger Sloat's Hideout south of the Old Town Cinema in Henderson.
George "Body Eater" Serero
Found in George Serero's Apartment in southwest Henderson.
Doctor "Scar" JJ Evans
Found in Dr. JJ Evans' Clinic in the southwest corner of Villa Henderson.
Geoffrey "Walking Carcass" Nape
Originally found in Geoffrey Nape's Warehouse in in west Henderson.
Joel "Blackheart" Chubalba
Inside Joel Chubalba's Motel in southwest Henderson.
Ogio "Blindspot" Moke
Inside Ogio Moke's Laundry in southeast Henderson.

